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Export FAQs

🐴✈️⛵️Are you considering taking your horse abroad? Do you need to export your horse?🐴✈️⛵️

If you're thinking about exporting your horse, we've tried to answer some of your questions below to make the process a little easier and less daunting!

🤓Who should I contact?

🐴As soon as you know your horse is planning to leave the country, please find and contact a shipping agent. This is an easier method than trying to do it yourself, although you can travel independently if desired.

🤓What will a shipping agent tell me?

🐴They will check your destination country and the specific entry requirements each country has (they're often different!).

🤓If I'm taking my horse to France, what requirements are there?

🐴Horses will require a blood test for Equine Infectious Anaemia to be negative within the preceding 90 days (if they're returning home, this needs to be within the 90 days!). They will also require documentation completed by an Official Veterinarian. OVs have specific additional qualifications and not every practice has one so ensure this is in place before exporting. Ashbrook does undertake some export work for other practices as we have 4 OVs.

🤓What if I'm taking my horse to America?

🐴American exportation requires a more comprehensive testing schedule with very time-specific requirements, so it becomes even more important you contact a shipping agent as soon as you know your horse will be heading to the USA. They also have additional tests taken once the horse lands in the States.

🤓I've organised my shipping agent, what next?

🐴Once your shipping agent is organised, you need to arrange a vet appointment to take the blood tests. The passport must be available at the time so the horse can be correctly identified and the blood sample must have the horse’s microchip on it. Blood tests take approximately 7 days to return so early booking of this appointment is important.

🤓What do I do next?

🐴Providing clear photos of your horse’s passport to the shipping agent and vet is needed. This must show UELN, Microchip number, date of birth, gender and the Passport Issuing Office.

🤓What paperwork do I need?

🐴The shipping agent will apply to the Government Gateway site to get an Export Health Certificate document.

🤓What does an OV do with the EHC?

🐴The OV has to log on to the EHC online then download, certify and stamp the appropriate sections. Each Certificate has approximately 18 stamps and signatures, and if any of these are wrong, the horse may be denied entry to its destination country – this requires concentration! This draft Certification is then sent back to the shipping agent.


🤓What does the shipping agent do with my draft EHC?

🐴Once the shipping agent has the draft EHCs from the OV, they are sent to the Border Control Post to book a slot for exportation.  The Border Control Posts can only process approximately 6 horses an hour which is why they require an appointment system. This needs to happen approximately 3 days in advance.

🤓How do the shipping agent and Border Authorities know my horse is fit to travel?

🐴Within 24 hours or the closest working day prior to departure, the horse must be examined and identified by the OV to ensure health.

🤓I've heard of an Owner's Declaration, what is it?

🐴Owner's Declarations are documents that must be completed in order for the Border Control to provide a CIVET document for travel. These can be signed on the day of the OV visit but hard copies must be collected from your vet once the Certified copy is scanned and sent to the shipping agent. This can also be done in advance at the practice.

🤓Does my horse need to be flu-vaccinated to travel?

🐴No, but it might be required for competition at the destination country!

These steps take time and must be completed diligently, so please contact us, and a shipping agent as soon as you know your horse or pony is likely to be taking a trip abroad!



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