Ashbrook Equine Hospital has a full surgical suite as well as the equipment for most standing surgical procedures performed in the horse. The surgery is fully equipped to deal with routine surgeries such as castrations and orthopaedic procedures. Usually these are booked in advance and the horse carefully prepared for anaesthesia in the 24 hours preceding the operation. In addition to our normal 24 hour emergency service we also offer around the clock surgical services for emergency procedures like penetrating wounds and colic surgeries.
Castrations can be undertaken at the yard or the hospital providing both testicles are descended. If the horse is older, or his testicles are not evident in the scrotum, castration needs to be carried out in the hospital.
In the case of colts with one or both testicles not in evidence, castration can be done under standing sedation using the laparoscope (key-hole surgery) or under general anaesthetic as required. Ovaries can also be removed using laparoscopy if they are diseased. The laparoscope can be used in the diagnosis of other abdominal conditions such as recurrent colic, weight loss or diarrhoea - either to visualise problems or to take tissue biopsies.
Orthopaedic surgery
Orthopaedic procedures are commonly undertaken, many of which are performed using keyhole techniques. This allows us very good visualisation of the inside of joints and tendon sheaths and minimises recuperation time for the horse.
Soft tissue surgery
Many soft tissue surgical procedures are carried out for skin and eye problems. At Ashbrook Equine Hospital, we are also one of the few veterinary practices in the area that will provide surgical treatment for colic. This enables us to provide prompt and aggressive treatment without the need for a long journey, therefore helping to improve the horse's prognosis.